
The primary campus offers the Victorian curriculum focusing on the acquisition of communication skills, mobility and positive social behaviors.

Incorporated into our programs is an Integrated Curriculum which focuses on building students knowledge, skills and behaviors.

Curriculum programs and student goals incorporate all levels of the Victorian Curriculum, commencing at level A. Goals are personalized to the needs of students and readiness to learn.

An integrated approach to teaching and learning is implemented to enhance student understanding, leaning and outcomes by making logical connections between curriculum areas, including Science, Humanities, Mathematics, English, Technology, The Arts, Personal and Social Capabilities and Health and Physical Education.


The English curriculum aims to ensure that students learn to listen to, read, view, speak, write, create and reflect on a variety of spoken and written texts. Students learn to appreciate, enjoy and use the English language in all its variations to evoke feelings, convey information, form ideas, and facilitate interactions with others in a meaningful way.

Our English curriculum is based on the Four Blocks Literacy Model: Working with Words, Writing, Guided Reading and Self-Selected Reading.  The delivery of the learning area of English recognizes the individual learner and learning style. Programs are developed in collaboration with the Therapy team, responding to individual learning needs such as communication or sensory input.


The Mathematics curriculum aims to develop useful mathematical and numeracy skills for everyday life. Students see connections and apply mathematical concepts. The curriculum is organised by the three strands of Number and Algebra, Measurement and Geometry, and Statistics and Probability.

The Mathematics curriculum is used to develop understanding from the students point of need and is delivered to suit the unique learning needs and styles of each student. This is facilitated by the use of whole group, small group, peer learning and one-to-one aimed  to target skill acquisition through modeled, guided and shared understandings.


The Science curriculum aims to ensure that students develop an interest in science as a means of expanding their curiosity and willingness to explore, ask questions about and speculate on the changing world in which they live. The curriculum is organised by two strands Science Understanding and Science Inquiry Skills. At the primary campus, science is highlighted as a termly sub-focus and integrated into classroom programs. Students are encouraged to experience science through their senses, making observations, predictions and gathering understandings from simple scientific investigations.


At the primary campus, the Humanities curriculum is organised by two strands: Geography and History. The humanities curriculum provides a framework for students to examine the modern world, in a context that is meaningful to their own lives and the lives of those around them understanding the uniqueness of cultures including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders. Geography and History are highlighted as a major focus and integrated into classroom programs.

Health and Physical Education

Health and Physical Education focuses on students enhancing their own and others’ health, safety, well being and physical participation in varied and changing contexts.

Health and Physical Education is integrated through a weekly timetabled session with a specialist teacher, and incorporated into daily classroom programs in consultation with the Therapy Team.  The delivery of the learning area of Health and Physical Education recognizes the individual learner and their unique learning style. The Health and Physical Education program focuses on movement and physical activities, therapies, building social competencies, well being, healthy lifestyle and self-care.

Primary students have the opportunity to take part in weekly swimming lessons, a daily sensory motor program, and special events such as whole school footy day.


The Technologies provide a framework for students to learn how to use technologies for a range of purposes. The curriculum has been designed to provide practical opportunities for students to explore the capacity of information systems (e.g. Interactive Whiteboards, Computers and iPad’s) for the purpose of learning. Sunbury and Macedon Ranges Specialist School is an eSmart school where Students are encouraged to employ digital technologies safely and responsibly.


The Arts enables students to develop their creative and expressive capacities by learning about different practices, disciplines and traditions. Students are both artist and audience in the Arts.

At the primary campus Visual Art and Music Therapy are integrated through a weekly timetabled session with a specialist teacher. The Arts are also incorporated into daily classroom programs reflecting the needs of the individual learner and responding to each  unique learning style.

Personal and Social Capabilities

SMRSS recognizes the individual learners and the need to teach students to understand themselves and others.  Personal and Social Capabilities are taught within structured classroom programs and incidentally throughout the school day.  This is facilitated by the use of whole group, small group, peer learning and one-to-one learning experiences, aimed to target skill acquisition through modeled, guided and shared understandings. Formal programs at the primary campus include: The Zones of Regulation, School-Wide Positive Behavior Support (SWPBS), and Respectful Relationships.