School Wide Positive Behaviour Support
School Wide Positive Behaviour Support (SWPBS) is a framework for the implementation of evidence based interventions to achieve academically and behaviourally important outcomes for all students. SWPBS supports students to appropriately engage with their learning, recognise their strengths, set personal goals and helps to build intrinsic motivation and work stamina. SMRSS values a stimulating and safe environment that fosters independence, mutual respect and self-esteem to enable students to become capable and confident members of their communities. At SMRSS students are explicitly taught how to become ‘Range’s S.T.A.Rs’ who are Safe, Thoughtful, Appropriate and Respectful. School wide, staff focus on student strengths and desired positive behaviours which are reinforced and encouraged through the SWPBS system, weekly certificates, recognition in the school newsletter and access to motivating items and experiences.